Long-term Care Technology for a future with smiles
The aim of the Long-term Care Technology Portal Site is to promote the use of Long-term Care Technology so that it can enable care receivers, their family members, and those involved in the nursing care industry to live lives in which their well-being (a state of happiness in mind and body) is valued. We have created an image video to encourage as many people as possible to become interested in Long-term Care Technology.
We hope that this video will become the first step to finding out about Long-term Care Technology and how it can be useful in nursing care sites. Click here to watch the video.
To begin with, what kind of image do you have of Long-term Care Technology?
- Is it a technology that can do work instead of people?
- Is it a machine that is equipped with AI and can communicate?
- Is it something that anyone can easily use with a touch of a button?
- Is it something that takes away people’s jobs?
- Is it a partner in people’s lives and communication?
- Is it an excellent partner to help people do their jobs?
- Is it something that surpasses people’s abilities at some point and begins to control them?

The term “robot” may give us images such as industrial robots operating in factories, humanoid robots, and images from the worlds of science fiction novels, movies, robot animation, and so on, and each person may think of different images.
Through our image video, we hope to give you the following images of Long-term Care Technology.
- It is a technology that helps both caregivers and care receivers have more time to feel happy.
- It is a technology that helps people at critical moments to value human interaction.
- It is a technology that has the potential to lead to the provision of better care services through the harmonization of humans and robots.

This video tells us about the value of harmonizing humans and robots in the scenes where robots are useful in care settings, together with the thoughts of the developers involved in the development of Long-term Care Technology. The message is that, while respecting the importance of human interaction, let’s resolve the issues that we can with the help of robots.
On the other side of the term “robot,” which is often associated with an inorganic image, there are passionate developers who feel enthusiasm and kindness for nursing care. Long-term Care Technology is developed with people in mind and is used with people in mind.
On the other side of the term “robot,” which is often associated with an inorganic image, there are passionate developers who feel enthusiasm and kindness for nursing care. Long-term Care Technology is developed with people in mind and is used with people in mind.
Both caregivers and care receivers will be able to live their care lives with smiles. Technology is being developed and used by people who find joy in bringing smiles to them.
Long-term Care Technology will never replace people or take away people’s jobs. It can be a good partner for helping with caregiving, and it can also be a good partner for care receivers. (Please also refer to the 3rd column for the specific scenes in which Long-term Care Technology is used in nursing care sites.)
We hope that this video, which communicates such messages, will be watched by as many people as possible, including those who are not yet familiar with Long-term Care Technology.